Q: Can I create a proforma for new development projects in TheAnalyst PRO?
A: Yes, TheAnalyst PRO supports proforma creation for new developments with its as-stabilized investment proforma and cash flow projection tools. Although TheAnalyst PRO doesn’t include a dedicated development cost breakdown schedule due to the unique nature of each project, it allows you to quickly enter the total cost of the completed project along with projected rents and expenses. This data can be used to generate both 5- and 10-year cash flow projections, providing a comprehensive look at the long-term investment potential as well as details of the investor's returns.
Additionally, TheAnalyst PRO lets you customize vacancy and occupancy rates for each year of the projection, allowing you to incorporate absorption analysis into your model. This flexibility makes it easier to adjust for market absorption trends and more accurately forecast stabilized income and expenses over time.
To access the Investment Analysis tool:
1. Go to the Dashboard, select “Analysis Reports” and then “Investment Analysis”.
2. Once in the Investment Analysis tool, you can watch video tutorials for each section by clicking on the Help icon, making it easy to learn how to use each part of the tool effectively.
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